Kaffe Fassett, Painting

Now Available Wholesale!

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Hardcover Edition – 112 full color pages

Introduction by Kaffe Fassett

Written by Erin Lee Gafill

Available through 26 Letter Press – Big Sur, CA

$35 – Retail – $165 – 11 copies, free shipping continental USA

Color Duets – Monterey Museum of Art

Color Duets serves as the exhibition catalog for the exhibition that opened at the Monterey Museum of Art in May, 2021.

Because of the pandemic, Kaffe was only able to attend virtually. Here is a segment of the opening introduction with which Kaffe premiered the exhibition.

A Few of the Paintings

(original artwork available to purchase)

Paintings by Kaffe Fassett

Paintings by Erin Lee Gafill

Some Family Photos from Color Duets